如何评价《权力的游戏》第一季S01E01「Winter Is Coming」?(权力的游戏第一季分集剧情介绍)

2023-05-24 03:11:42



如何评价《权力的游戏》第一季S01? - 如何评价 X - 知乎



"Ive never seen a thing like this ever in my life."


Three men of the Nights Watch ride out beyond the Wall after receiving reports that lawless tribes of wildings have been sighted near the border. Will, a slight ranger, verifies this information when he finds the dismembered corpses of the groups men, women and children scattered in a frozen glade. He carries the news back to his comrades, Gared and Ser Waymar Royce, but before they can investigate further, the bodies disappear. As Will searches the area, the forest fills with Royces screams and the gallop of the groups bolting horses. Will races through the trees and comes face to face with Gared - moments before a shadowy creature with glowing blue eyes severs his friends head and tosses it at Wills feet.






"He swore an oath."


In the courtyard of Winterfell, young Bran Stark【未来的“三眼乌鸦”】 struggles with archery practice as his family looks on. His tomboy sister, Arya Stark, abandons her training in needlework to fire a shot over Brans shoulder with her own bow, skewering the targets center and sending the Starks into laughter. Their mirth is cut short, however, by news from Ser Rodrick Cassel, the houses Master at Arms: "The guards rode in from the hills. Theyve captured a deserter from Nights Watch." Lord Ned Stark knows immediately what he must do, and orders his boys to saddle their horses.

On a hillside outside the castle walls, the ranger Will stands before Ned, understanding that his sentence is death but swearing that he saw White Walkers. Ned draws his familys ancient blade, called Ice, and metes out the punishment as his sons - even young Bran - look on. Afterward, he tells his the boy:

"Our way is the old way. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."

—— Eddard Stark

When Bran asks his father if the deserter really saw the White Walkers【异鬼】, Ned assures him that theyve been gone for thousands of years.



奈德·史塔克(Eddard Stark)非常重视对子女的教育。亲自监督儿子们的学习,观看布兰学习射箭;在处斩逃跑守夜人时,要求5个儿子都参与,共同见证整个过程。



(Arya Stark)擅长射箭,布兰·史塔克(Bran Stark)不擅长射箭,


On their return to Winterfell, the party comes across a dead direwolf【冰原狼,是当地




物种。冰原狼可以长到矮种马的大小】 - a monstrous creature rarely seen south of the Wall. The wolf birthed a litter of pups before her death, and Jon Snow, bastard son to Ned, convinces his father that its an omen: The direwolf is the sigil of House Stark, and Neds five true-born children are meant to have the pups. As they walk away, Jon spies an albino runt cast to the side and takes it【纯白的冰原狼:Ghost】 for himself.



冰原狼崽的安排非常的巧妙:五个冰原狼崽在母亲身边,还有一只白色的冰原狼崽却在旁边躲着。在分配冰原狼崽的时候,将不再母亲身边的那只冰原狼崽分给了Jon,预示着Jon就是不在母亲身边的Stark。大家慢慢从Ned Stark的性格可以看出,Jon不太可能是Ned的私生子。

P.S. 冰原狼,在本剧中可能象征着是否是真正的Stark,是否具备继承权。在后续的介绍中,回慢慢解释这个问题:《权力的游戏》第七季The End Begin预告片(




(Eddard Stark)回城途中,他发现了一只已经死去的母狼并让他的孩子们收养了母狼的后代。(每个孩子分别收养了一只,对应关系如下:琼恩--白灵,罗柏--灰风,珊莎--淑女,艾莉娅--娜梅莉亚,布兰--夏天,瑞肯--毛毛狗。)


"If hes coming this far north, theres only one thing hes after."


In the throne room at Kings Landing, Ser Jaime Lannister and his twin sister Queen Cersei Baratheon look on as the Silent Sisters perform death rights over the body of John Arryn, the Hand of the King. Cersei worries that Arryn may have shared some unmentionable secret before his death, but Jaime is not concerned and notes that King Robert will find a replacement for Arryn soon enough. Not that serving as Hand is a job anyone should want - as Jaime puts it: "Their days are too long, and their lives are too short."

A message【从各个方面分析,这个消息是“小指头”故意传给Ned】 arrives at Winterfell saying that John Arryn is dead and King Robert is paying a visit. Ned knows this can mean only one thing - that Robert plans to ask him to serve as the new Hand. The house is thrown into preparation, and when the king arrives he greets his old friend with a bear hug and immediately asks to visit the crypts of Winterfell. By the tomb of Lyanna Stark, who was betrothed to Robert before her death, Robert poses the offer he rode so far to deliver. "You helped me win the Iron Throne," he says. "Now help me keep the damn thing. I have a son. You have a daughter. Well join our houses." Ned withholds his answer ... but knows he cant refuse.

"The things I do for love."


After the feast, Ned and Catelyn rest in bed when Maester Luwin arrives with a missive from Catelyns sister Lysa, the widow of Jon Arryn. The message says that Arryn was murdered by the Lannisters and that the king is in danger. Catelyn begs her husband not go south to Kings Landing, but he knows he has no other option. The next morning, after he accepts Roberts offer, the king thanks him and says he knows the sacrifice Ned is making - but theres no other man he can trust.【篡夺者战争中,劳勃与奈德亲如兄弟,而Jon Arryn是他们的养父】

Ned leaves for a hunt with Robert and his retinue, waving goodbye to his son, Bran. The young Stark spends the afternoon climbing the rocky walls of Winterfell, one of his favorite hobbies. At the pinnacle of an abandoned tower, he hears strange noises, and when he looks inside a window, he sees Jaime Lannister and his twin sister, Queen Cersei, having sex on the floor. Cersei notices Bran and screams. Jaime steps to the window frame and grabs the boy, holding him firmly. He looks to his sister and then to the ground before sending Bran plummeting to the rocky ground below.


瑟曦·兰尼斯特(Cersei Lannister)对史塔克家族不屑一顾。明显感觉到Stark家族与Lannister家族不和,这种不和与生俱来。这些就能反应出本剧的主要矛盾点。

Ned原本是不打算随劳勃南下君临的,因为他知道自己仅仅适合留守世代留下的北境之地。但是,Ned and Catelyn收到后续被猜测是“小指头”发送的指向Jon Arryn是被谋杀的消息后,Ned对Lannister家族不放心,因此才下定决心南下君临。

布兰·史塔克(Bran Stark)从母亲那里继承了










"When they write of my reign..."


Far to the southeast of Winterfell, on the continent of Essos across the Narrow Sea, a young silver-haired man, Viserys Targaryen, prepares his sister Daenerys to meet a possible husband. As the last heir in his line - a storied family of kings who Robert nearly wiped out when usurping the Iron Throne - Viserys hopes to wed his sister to a Dothraki horselord named Khal Drogo as a means of securing the khals massive army to help reclaim rule over Westeros. Callow and mean-spirited, he keeps Daenerys in line by warning her not to "wake the dragon."

With the help of Magister Illyrio Mopatis, a wealthy merchant who recognizes the opportunity in befriending a deposed king, the Targaryens meet Drogo, who wordlessly assesses Daenerys and then turns his horse and leaves. When Viserys asks whether the khal liked his sister, Illyrio replies: "If he didnt like her, wed know."

Their wedding is performed in traditional Dothraki style, meaning that the crowd participates in wanton sex and murder. As a gift, Daenarys receives a chest of priceless dragon eggs from Illyrio, and an exiled Westerosi knight named Ser Jorah Mormont gives her books containing the history of her homeland. After the wedding, Daenerys weeps as Khal Drogo deflowers her - not gently - on a cliff above sea.

丹妮莉丝·坦格利安(Daenerys Targaryen)与卓戈·卡奥(Khal Drogo)的婚礼,最后完成“播种”。卓戈·卡奥(Khal Drogo)是多斯拉克(Dothraki)的领袖。多斯拉克(Dothraki)是东大陆的一个民族,此族崇尚武力。










总督伊利里欧献上了来自亚夏阴影之地(the Shadow Land beyand Asshai)的龙蛋(Dragons eggs),他认为此龙蛋经历百年,已经风化成了化石。



奈德·史塔克(Eddard Stark):信念高尚坚定、恪守原则和道义、坚守责任和使命、把荣耀视为自己的生命誓死捍卫;为人光明

磊落、重情重义;性格刚正耿直、心高气傲、鄙视世俗小人;做事固守本分,缺少对未来的规划。琼恩·雪诺(Jon Snow)(私生子):自幼受到家庭排挤;性格善良,居心仁爱而待人宽厚,同时又年轻气盛,处事冲动鲁莽;头脑天真单纯,在父亲的家族无法立足的情况下一心追寻自己的使命和荣耀;对遭受命运不公的人有强烈的认同感;极其看重亲情和兄弟情义。

艾莉亚·史塔克(Arya Stark):顽皮大胆;男孩子气;个性桀傲不羁、任性、勇敢、坚定(内心有不屈不饶的韧性);善于面对和解决问题,但在面对困境时迷茫无助,不知所措。

珊莎·史塔克(Sansa Stark):头脑简单,以貌取人的小姑狼,具有良好的教养,待人彬彬有礼、乖巧贤淑;个性胆小懦弱、天真单纯;爱慕富贵和虚荣,疯狂热恋着乔佛里王子;父亲遇难后遭到乔佛里王子的折磨、羞辱和践踏,导致其身心绝望,面对生活磨难软弱无助,唯有屈服。

罗柏·史塔克(Robb Stark):性格耿直;一开始缺乏担当和深思熟虑,在父亲遇难后开始承担领主的角色,下定决心不计代价为父亲讨回荣耀,开始展露出勇气和智慧,另一方面又缺乏自信;颇有军事才能但缺乏谋略;有仁爱之心。

席恩·葛雷乔伊(Theon Greyjoy):作为人质被史塔克家族扣押,始终被猜忌、打压和排挤;个性孤独、自卑、软弱胆怯;渴望获得尊重却时常遭到戏谑讥讽,内心深处对自我进行了否定而又表现得自命不凡,迫切寻找自身的存在感和贵族身份,一有机会就极力彰显自我;另一方面自甘沉沦堕落、卑颜屈漆极力巴结史塔克家族同时又心怀不满和无奈。

丹妮莉丝·坦格利安(Daenerys Targaryen):前任王朝的遗孤,从小浪迹海外,个性胆怯、不自信、缺乏安全感、软弱无助;喜欢用先王家族的辉煌慰藉其脆弱和悲伤的内心;在得到丈夫的保护和关爱之后让她找回自我,怀上孩子后对生活充满了希望,逐渐变得成熟与坚强(仅仅是与之前相对比);她把丈夫视为给予自己第二次生命的亲人、把孩子视为对生活希望的基石,从孤独、困苦和艰难中走来的她对亲情十分珍视,把自己依附于丈夫的高大身影之后,像普通的女性一样自始至终没有寻求自我的独立,失去丈夫和孩子以后身心俱灭;本性善良仁慈,富有同情心和强烈的正义感,对弱者极力维护。


以上就是关于《如何评价《权力的游戏》第一季S01E01「Winter Is Coming」?(权力的游戏第一季分集剧情介绍)》的全部内容,本文网址:https://www.7ca.cn/baike/37894.shtml,如对您有帮助可以分享给好友,谢谢。
