
2023-03-15 14:37:25


11月29日,哔哩哔哩(以下简称B站)与人民文学出版社、中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所联合发布2021年度弹幕:“破防了”Bilibili, a leading video platform popular among Chinas younger generation, announced on Monday the phrase of the year on its site to be "。

Po Fang Le", or "this broke down my defenses" in literal translation.

“破防了”究竟是什么意思?今年的B站年度弹幕“破防了”本为游戏术语,意为使用特殊物理伤害突破了防御The trending comment, or what Bilibili calls a "bullet chat", originates a situation when gamers are attacked and their defenses torn down. 。

在互联网语境中,“破防了”一词有了更丰富的含义,常用于表示心理防线被突破后,产生不可抑制的震动Today this expression is employed by the sites 267.2 million monthly active users to describe a number of strong feelings, such as something leaving them emotionally vulnerable, deeply touched by a story, or helpless under immense stress.。

在“破防了”表达的情绪中,既有年轻人对个人情绪的表达,也有对社会事件的共鸣以下就是一些典型的“破防”情景:► moved to tears by a movie line被影视动画中某句台词戳中泪点► left emotionally vulnerable watching a food video when one is hungry

在饥肠辘辘时被一个美食视频暴击► inspired by athletes competing at the Olympics被奥运健儿的拼搏瞬间所鼓舞► bidding farewell to the generation of people who used to be part of ones youth memory


B站官方还亲自进行了造句示范——“真的不给一键三连吗?UP主破防了!”@人民文学出版社 也转发B站官微消息进行了“造句”:70岁的人民文学出版社,今天也“破防了”!突然觉得自己好年轻!

在英语中,我们可以根据不同的语境来表达“破防了”,例如:I was moved to tears. Im overwhelmed.This really got me.Im shook.B站2020年度弹幕是“爷青回”

(My youth is making a comeback)B站2019年度弹幕是“AWSL”(“啊,我死了”的首字母缩写,Im dying)In previous years, the company released a list of bullet chats by highest frequency of use. These included AWSL, an acronym of the Chinese expression Ah, 。

wo si le("Im dead"), and Ye qing hui, or "My youth is making a comeback".B站“弹幕”累计突破100亿“弹幕”是近几年兴起的一种新的评论形式,指视频播放时观众的实时评论像子弹一样在屏幕上穿梭

(real-time comments from viewers fly across the screen like bullets while a video is playing),这样的“弹幕评论”在英语中一般用

bullet comments表示,如果视频播放时弹幕评论很多,占据了整个屏幕,就形成了bullet screen(弹幕)作为一种即时性互动方式,弹幕直观地呈现了观众对特定内容的反应,由此衍生的弹幕文化,也记录了年轻群体及时代的变迁。

随着用户及内容的增长,在B站年度弹幕发布前夕,B站弹幕累计总数已突破100亿Bullet chat is a commentary system unique to the Bilibili ecosystem, where viewers leave comments that scroll across on-screen content. This year there were a cumulative 10 billion bullet comments.。


根据B站披露,生活、游戏、娱乐、动漫和知识是目前最受用户欢迎的前五大内容品类今年让你印象最深刻的一次“破防”是什么,还记得吗?你最喜欢发的弹幕又是什么?记者:贺炜编辑:商桢 李金昳来源:中国日报 B站 新京报 网易。

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